
21 Seconds!!

Auckland hot on attack – the team stacked with AB’s, Kirwin, Fitzpatrick, Stanley, Whetton (Alan), Fox, McDowell, Jones etc and Wellington had a few of their own in Borovich, Pierce, Creighton, Gallagher, Pokere, Shuster (not too long after) etc. Keep in mind that less than a year later the mighty AB team which were by far the best team in the World (arguably SA were still banned in 87’) had convincingly beat France in the W.C. Final contained a predominant selection of Auckland players!

Wellington had just thrashed Otago ( Brewer, Pope, Pene etc) the week before in the first NPC game of the season in Dunedin and had Auckland the following weekend at the old Athletic Park (always play with the wind in the 1st half as it changes often there).

Back to the game Wellington had edged ahead but Auckland were hot, hot, and the power and individual man for man, was on paper superior.

The new Coach for Wellington the flamboyant Earle Kirton had gone for gas (Lalani Koko on the right wing and was the equivalent of our Jonah back then) and one or two others and Wellington fans and establishment had been questioning Earle’s selection policy and game plan. Despite this he stuck to his commitment of the game style he wanted the team to play.

This was immediately following the retirement of former Coach Iain Upston, and other established top-notch names eg Wilson, Hewson, Fraser, Mexted amongst others from a very successful Wellington squad after a number of years.

Auckland on attack and 20 minutes left, 5-meter scrum from the Wellington line. Auckland backs have some move up their sleeve and Kirwin looking like he was entering the center’s area – but where?

Ivan Waterson was the half back instead of injured David Kirk and very, very able. I had first met Ivan in the successful West Hartlepool team that had won the North Of England Merit table in the 83-84 season. I had been at a tasty Vale of Lune team in the North West of the country. They beat us then.

He was a slick passer and took a snipe around the side every now and then. Dirk Williams was openside and though a large open there was more than enough to fit a London double decker down the blind side! I was the Blindside flanker – Oh god pass the ball from the base of the scrum, Ivan please? and do not expose us (me!). Mind you we had Fraser Mexted at number 8 and playing exceptionally well and former AB winger Mike Clamp on that blindside wing. Also, we had been holding our own in the scrums as well.

The scrum half Neil Sorenson was barking out ‘Huddy, Huddy, Huddy, as though he knew they were coming around the blind side, I was aware of this and had to keep in mind take the first man that comes around the scrum with the ball. Don’t get sucked in by a dummy pass and take your man out whether the half back, or the number 8, or the detachment of the blindside flanker. Whetto stayed on thank God!

However, the scrum had screwed away from the blind and despite a great effort by Auckland to keep it straight, I knew that even Ivan would not run blind and the ball seemed stuck at the back of the scrum for a while and I had a good view of it. Just waiting for Ivan to get the ball, what’s he going to do… he looking to the blind? open? What is he going to do? I cannot see him, just the ball!

Sos still yelling – ‘Huddy, Huddy!’ I have now got butterflies and bloody nervous.  He finally places his hand on it and you do your best to dive stretch and stretch and stretch and nab him or major disruption! It reminded me of my track and field days and being in the starting blocks. Though it felt like a minute, he finally put his hand on the ball and bang I was out I thought ‘got ya’



and just as quickly ‘bugger’- though I got a hand on him but could not hold, it was not enough to stop him getting the pass away and I was left sprawling on the deck!



What happened in the next 21seconds was very surreal….

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